Thursday, August 4, 2011

What should i do about this?

ok so im gonna try and summarize what happened because its a long story. well heres how it me and this girl were dating for 7 months and were living together for about 5 of those months. while living together we encountered problems within our relationship and we were able to get through them. it would take me a while to talk about the problems and to fix them. i would take sometime to myaelf to think about the problem and then try and fix it when im ready but her frame of mind was dont wait and just fix it on the spot. i agree that would be easier but its not how i handle things and that really bothered her. i also brought some old baggage into our relationship and she was taking it and was saying that it was emotionally draing and that she lost herself in the process. now i can understand that big problems are emotinally draining and i could see that it was cuz i started noticing changes about her. so it starts to get to the point hat we are at eachothers throats and before i used to say that im leaving because she would always say that every problem was my fault and that i over react. and my arguement is that she causes me to act like that based on what she does and how she is. so one day she decides that were gonna not be together but still live under the same roof. we acted like were together and did everything the same and it was fine for a while its just the only thing that was different was that we didnt have a title. she had told me that she has been crushing on a high school guy that she knew and wasnt sure what to do. to either go and see what he has to offer or stay and try and fix things. she then decided that going to him would be stupid and she choose me. then so were trying to fix things and things and theyre getting better and one day she says shes giong out on a date and i didnt approve of that. i got mad and asked why would u be going on dated when were trying to fix our relationship. she said because she would rather get out all her dating stuff out her system now that were not together. i said thats bull and we fought and i ended up sleepin in my car because i didnt wanna deal with that. so this goes on and so one day she kicks me out because she feels thats best for us and im begging and crying and saying that its not the only way and we can make it work. and shes not agreeing. so when i decide to move back to indiana she calls me 15 mins in and is begging and crying for me to come back and that she misses me and loves me and that she doesnt want me to go. i kept telling her this is what she wanted and this is what u said was best for us. so this happens on my way back to indiana and then a couple days later once im here she starts not talking to me and saying shes been running errands and cant answer the phone. and when we do talk she start talking about other guys she talking to and telling me about them and saying she wants to have sex(not with anyone just that she urges sex) and i get mad. i tell her i dont like what she is doin and im starting to think this break was for her to go and be with other guys and talk and all that stuff. so i notice that the only way to talk to her is if i write to her or call or text and if i dont i wont hear from her. and i tell her whats up with this and she still says shes busy doing errands. so one time i call her brother up to see where she is he tells me thats she went out with some guy and hasnt came back yet she told me she was home sleeping and would call me when she wakes. now i flip out. i know were not together but im here thinking and doing one things and she out there doing the opposite. she starts telling me that she doesnt talk to me becaus ei get mad and cant handle what she is really doing and she feels like i dont need to know whats going on with her out there because were not together and im thinking shes wrong because i was in the thought that were on a break trying to fix our problems and shes out there doing that. i tell her that and she tells me that im always assuming and ui dont know anything thats going on but im tellling her im left to assume because u dont tell me anything and i go off what u tell me ur doing once i get it out of you. and one time she told me she was going out and dating all these guys just to get me jealous. idk whats going on but im getting the feeling that shes playing me and just has be under her finger so whenever her urges of these things go away im there to continue at her will. i feel like she doesnt care about me the way she did and i feel like she doesnt wanna try anymore to fix things. she says other wise but based on what i hear and see from her it tells me otherwise. and just yesterday she call s me at night saying she missed tlkaing to me and so were tlaking and then out of no where she tells me that she had something to tell me and i ask what is it and she says that she kissed and made out with him (not sure when) when me and her were having a discussion.


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