Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am so sick of guys forting with my girlfriend and her flirting back!?

My girlfriend has always been the flirty type. Even before we went out she was always just joking flirtatiously with other guys and even with me once or twice. She's not a slut or anything, she is actually very sophisticated besides that. She's just very charismatic and sweet,a nd so she expresses it by hugging everyone and giggling at them and glinting mildly. And on top of that a ton of those loser-type kids have crushes on her and are always flirting with her, and she smiles and giggles and waves back at them. And she hugs me exactly the same as she hugs everyone. I've talked to her about it but she hasn't really done anything about it. And I can tell she has feelings for me, and on top of that I love jeer with all my heart. I just don't know what to do.


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